=== ITRO Popup Plugin === Contributors: ITRO Donate link: http://www.itro.eu/ Tags: popup, popup message, popup box, popup ads, popup advertising, jquery popup, popup jquery, automatic popup, age restriction, popup block, popup violence, age validation popup, adult, adult content, content warning, content warning popup, fancy box, fancy popup, custom popup, advertising popup, pop-up, lightbox, lightbox popup Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.3.1 Stable tag: 4.7.2 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ITRO Popup display a popup to your WP site: ★ Age restriction for adult-content site ★ Multilanguage popup with qTransalte-X ★ Very easy to use == Description == ITRO Popup Plugin - The BEST WP Popup Plugin ★ Pretty fade-in and fade-out animation. ★ Need to remove plugin and save data? It is possible! ★ Selcted pages where you want to display the popup, by a scrollable list. NO SHORTCODES NEEDED! ★ Multilanguage popup with qTransalte-X. ★ Close popup with ESC button (not with "age restricted option" checked). ★ Automatic popup centering in browser page. ★ Fully and easy customizable aspect (background, border, color, etc...). ★ Settable countdown for automatic closing. ★ Settable coockie expiration time for the next popup visualization. ★ Age validation for adult-content site. ★ Custom text to display whatever you want with WP editor. ★ All great explaned by tips in admin pannel. ★ Great and fast support for all your problem with our popup plugin. ★ All in a very easy way to use! WANT MORE FEATURES? Try ITRO Wordpress Marketing for free! [TRY IT FOR FREE!](http://www.itro.eu/) ITRO Popup is a very lightweight Plugin for Wordpress which allow users to add a fully-customizable, multilanguage pop-up thanks to qTranslate-X. It has a very user-friendly interface, which allow Wordpress users to easily modify all settings needed for a popup, without coding. With "Age restricted site" option, the popup block the navigation (for age validation) until the user declare that is above the local country legal age. It is useful for adult content Wordpress site (tobacco & alcohol selling, violence, bad language, etc...). The leave and the enter button are separately customizable. Is embedded the Wordpress editor to simplify input whatever you want in your popup. Popup can be rendered unlockable with the option "Unlockable popup" so it will close only with countdown. This plugin is basic-user oriented, no code knowledge is required. Simply the best Wordpress popup plugin! TRANSLATED IN FOLLOWING LANGUAGES: - Italian - English - French (thanks to Patrice CHASSAING) - Serbo-Croatian (thanks to Andrijana Nikolic www.webhostinggeeks.com) - Nederlands (thanks to Descamps Gino) FOR TUTORIAL AND FAQ VISIT THE OFFICIAL SITE [CLICK HERE!](http://www.itro.eu/?page_id=390) DONATE NOW! [DONATE NOW](http://www.itro.eu/?page_id=396) For any problem, please contact us at our site: [CONTACT US](http://www.itro.eu/?page_id=247) Want a more powerful marketing tools? Try ITRO Wordpress Marketing PRO with a 14 days free trial. ★ MULTIPLE POPUPS ★ ON-CLICK POPUP ★ RESPONSIVE POPUP ★ SHORTCODES (on click popup, automatic popup, contact forms...) ★ MAILCHIMP INTEGRATION with autoresponder different for each contact form ★ LINK CLICKS COUNTER (or DOWNLOAD COUNTER) ★ CONTACT POPUPS ★ SUPPORT REQUEST MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ★ SMTP AUTH AUTORESPONDER ★ POPUP ANIMATIONS ★ SOCIAL POPUPS ★ VIDEO EMBEDDING (Youtube and Vimeo) [TRY IT FOR FREE!](http://www.itro.eu/) == Installation == FOR TUTORIAL AND FAQ VISIT THE OFFICIAL SITE [CLICK HERE!](http://www.itro.eu/?page_id=390) DONATE NOW! - HELP US TO DEVELOP FOR YOU! [DONATE NOW](http://www.itro.eu/?page_id=396) 1. Unzip `itro-plugin.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or select it by "Add new" in the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Go to "Settings->ITRO Popup" in the admin menu 4. Enjoy == Frequently Asked Questions == FOR TUTORIAL AND FAQ VISIT THE OFFICIAL SITE [CLICK HERE!](http://www.itro.eu/?page_id=390) DONATE NOW! - HELP US TO DEVELOP FOR YOU! [DONATE NOW](http://www.itro.eu/?page_id=396) == Screenshots == VIEW NOW DEMOS ON OUR OFFICIAL SITE - [CLICK HERE!](http://www.itro.eu/index.php/itro-wordpress-plugins-demos/) == Changelog == = 4.7.2 = FIXED: Popup closing by clicking outside with age restriction. = 4.7.1 = FIXED: shortcodes not working in the popup contents = 4.7 = ADDED: Multilingual compatibility with qtranslate X. ADDED: Url for the enter button of age validation. = 4.6.4 = ADDED: Nederlands translation, thanks to Descamps Gino. = 4.6.3 = ADDED: Popup closing by outside clicking. ADDED: Serbo-Croatian language translation, thanks to Andrijana Nikolic www.webhostinggeeks.com FIXED: Improved French and English transaltion thanks to Patrice CHASSAING. = 4.6.2 = FIXED: visualization bugs. FIXED: "only selected pages" doesn't work for pages set as blog hompage in Settings->Reading. = 4.6.1 = database collation issue solved. = 4.6 = database error fixed = 4.5.9 = improved caching compatibility = 4.5.8 = wp_ prefix bug fixed. Now the table has the right wordpress table prefix. Caching issue resolved (W3 super cache and similar) now "Next visualization time" works = 4.5.7 = Content warnig button centerd in the popup = 4.5.6 = Admin style in proper css file. Shortcodes now work. = 4.5.5 = New paypal donation form. = 4.5.4 = Deleted useless itroLocalPath to avoid __DIR__ error for old PHP version = 4.5.3 = Added French translation, deleted send_header function with IE metadata for compatibility, English errors found. Minor bug fixed. = 4.5.2 = Admin bug fixed for delete data on uninstall. Age validatition and popup delay bug fixed. = 4.5.1 = jQuery conflict resolved. Main js function now are rightly loaded by wp_enqueue_scripts. = 4.5 = Automatically retrieve debug info for quick support. Code manteniance. = 4.4.4 = Code maintenance. Opaque background not showing with popup delay setted bug fixed. Use of wpdb query instead of sql direct command on uninstall. = 4.4.3 = Code maintenance, some js errors fixed in admin page. = 4.4.2 = Bug on first installation fixed (preview page not working) = 4.4.1 = Code maintenance. Some bug for popup visualization fixed. = 4.4 = Popup can be disabled for mobile devices. Close cross can be changed for dark or light background. = 4.3.2 = Woocommerce compatibility problem fixed (popup not works on shop page). = 4.3.1 = Improved database function compatibility and speed. (Error in IIS servers) = 4.3 = Heavy bugs fixed. With WP_DEBUG true plugin generated a lot of errors. = 4.2.2 = Fixed bug on activation and deactivation: the popup content and setting now don't reset. = 4.2.1 = Border width bug fixed. Enter button bug fixed. Padding bug fixed. Database function changed for better compatibility = 4.2 = Age validation cookie bug on refresh page fixed. Added delete cookie button. Resolved OpenGraph metatag bug. New hook for better compatibility. Cookie bug on preview page fixed. Added padding. = 4.1 = Heavy bug fixed. Header sent error fixed, blog homepage fixed. Improved user interface. Font style and size errors fixed. = 4.0 = User interface improved, now can be selected only basic settings. Age validation bug fixed, now works right. Added border radius and width. Minor bugs fixed. = 3.6.8 = IE compatibility removed. = 3.6.7 = header bug fixed. = 3.6.6 = Improved themes compatibility. Minor bug fixed. = 3.6.5 = Added fade-in and fade out animation. = 3.6.4 = Big bug fixed: broken media blank page resolved! = 3.6.3 = Now user can unistall plugin whithout delete settings. = 3.6.2 = Include error fixed. = 3.6.1 = minor bugs fixed. = 3.6 = New user interface, with slide-bar control. Customizable opacity and color of opaque background behind the pop-up. = 3.5.1 = Popup can be rendered unlockable. Added time delay before popup will be displayed. If countdown is hidden it run anyway. = 3.5 = WP editor visualization bug fixed. Better visualization for countdown and close cross. UI more friendly. = 3.4 = Added media button in WP editor. Integrated WP media uploading for images. WP editor paragraph bug fixed. Now popup can be displayed in blog homepage. Minor bug fixed. Now content can scroll vertically. = 3.3 = Added WP editor to custom text field. Restored preview button, now it open a new window whith popup integrated in the theme. Uninstall bug solved, now clear all data and tables. = 3.2 = Big uploaded images truble solved! Now when you update the plugin your uploaded images remain in your site (is not necessary to upload everything every time). Automatic centering now works perfectly. Custom text border bug fixed. = 3.1 = Listing image bug fixed. = 3.0 = New user interface, minor bug fixed, new color picker (thanks to Jan Odvarko for jscolor), new features and customizations (background image, bg text color, etc...) = 2.2.1 = Preview bug fixed. Now countdown works right. = 2.2 = Now automatic centering works great. Important custom HTML cod fixed. = 2.1.6 = Now automatic centering works great. = 2.1.5 = Important cookie bug fxed and some js bug fixed. = 2.1.4 = Cookie bug fixed. = 2.1.3 = Italian translation error fixed. = 2.1.2 = Preview refresh bug fixed. Added the possibility to select manually the top margin, in case of problem. = 2.1.1 = preview bug fixed. = 2.1 = Minor bug fixed. Internet Explorer compability fixed. = 2.0 = Important bug fixed. Very important function implemented. Now user can select the single page where the popup will be displayed. Now position can be selected between "Absolute" and "Fixed". = 1.0.3 = important bug fixed: now custom HTML code works right. = 1.0.2 = bugs fixed; now popup is better centered; added the possibility to insert a direct url for the popup image. = 1.0.1 = bug fixed: color table now works in admin pannel. = 1.0 = First released version. == Upgrade Notice == = 4.7.2 = FIXED: Popup closing by clicking outside with age restriction. = 4.7.1 = FIXED: shortcodes not working in the popup contents = 4.7 = ADDED: Multilingual compatibility with qtranslate X. ADDED: Url for the enter button of age validation. == Notes == FOR TUTORIAL AND FAQ VISIT THE OFFICIAL SITE [CLICK HERE!](http://www.itro.eu/?page_id=390) DONATE NOW! - HELP US TO DEVELOP FOR YOU! [DONATE NOW](http://www.itro.eu/?page_id=396) We accept all kind of suggestion. Thanks to Jan Odvarko for jscolor: http://jscolor.com/ == Features == ★ Pretty fade-in and fade-out animation. ★ Need to remove plugin and save data? It is possible! ★ Can be multiple selcted pages where user want to display the popup. NO SHORTCODES NEEDED! ★ Fully translated in Italian. Ready for multilingual translation. ★ Close popup with ESC button (not when "age restricted option" is checked). ★ Perfectly centered popup, also with resized windows. ★ Fully and easy customizable aspect (background, border, color, etc...). ★ Settable countdown for automatic closing. ★ Settable coockie expiration time for the next popup visualization. ★ Add age validation for adult-content site. ★ Custom text to display whatever you want with WP editor. ★ All great explaned by tips in admin pannel. ★ All in a very easy way to use!